Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Journal #29 - Spiritual Self

Who I Am:
I think that I am a pretty cool person with a lot of talent. I can sing, tell jokes, receive good grades, organize things, and much more. These talents help define who I am as a person. Because I am very studious, I tend to organize my life around this quality. I do not drink, do drugs, nor smoke. It sounds cheesy, but that is a major part of being a well-to-do student and it helps discover one's inner-self. My personality is rather different, but mostly in a good way I think. I do not let people walk all over me, and I try to refrain others from walking over anyone else. I help people when they are in need. I honestly have a hard time being mean. I cannot bully someone before it gets too be too much. Overall, I am a pretty awesome person, though it may sound arrogant and conceited, I believe that my positiveness keeps this world going.

Why I Am Here:
I think I am here to change the world and make it better. I feel like I should go out and try to do something that makes a difference in my community or school. I am at that point in my life where I really just despise anyone who does not agree with me, although I am still good at SEEING where people come from, I am not so good at agreeing with them at all. It is something that I have to work on, but see myself accomplishing in the future to set out and make a difference somewhere.

Spiritual Connections:
To be honest, I have grown somewhat distant from my church in the past two years. People are changing, friends are moving away, and the overall appeal of the church is beginning to diminish, which is extremely unfortunate on my behalf. I feel like even though I do not attend church every Saturday, I do still have a personal connection with God. I was baptized in eight grade and still try to uphold the virtues read in the baptismal vows.

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