Dear Mr. Langley,
It seems only relevant to postpone the vocabulary assignment until Wednesday for a variety of factual reasons that I hope you think about long and hard. First of all, junior honors students are enrolled in American Literature English. Topics that revolve American Literature are taught to students on a daily basis. Seeing that we are taking in a good majority of new information in such a short time span, we need every minute of class that is available for us to focus on the more relevant subject matter, which is American Literature. Never before in an English class have we been taught about Puritan writing and the types of writing that follow. On the other hand, we have been fed vocabulary quiz after vocabulary quiz from a very young age every year in English. Therefore, it is apparent that vocabulary is easier to learn and not as difficult to catch on to like Puritan writing documents. Before we move on to doing something we are uniformly used to, it only makes sense that a large portion of our time should revolve around the new material that is being exposed to us on a daily basis. Also, if you take a look at grades, our vocabulary grades are exceeding our normal day to day historical-English topic grades. Students in your English class this year are able to learn the vocabulary on their own, whereas it is more difficult to fully grasp the concepts presented through Puritan writing and other such American Literature subject matters. We are only required to learn seven vocabulary words per unit, but we are expected to understand a whole entire document that before this class, we had never been exposed to. I hope you understand what argument I have proposed, and rethink our vocabulary assignment's previous due date. It would mean the most to me and countless other students who feel the same as I do. Thank you, and have a fantastic day.
Sincerely yours,
Krista Duncan
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