Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Journal #11

I think I have learned more this year than ever before that time is of the essence. School is basically taking up my life, and I have lost more time wasting my life away doing petty homework. Benjamin Franklin's aphorism saying "Lost Time is never Found" has definitely described my life on a very precise level. I wish I could be outside enjoying the Fall weather, or hanging out with friends, but instead, my life is consumed by homework that, most of the time, is merely busy-work. I have learned virtually nothing from the homework I have been assigned in the past month. In Franklin's aphorism, he states that when time is lost, it can never be found again or made up. After evaluating my life, I realize that time is honestly so important. We only get a certain amount of time on this earth and it only makes sense that we make the best of the little time we get. Last night for example, I thought that I had plenty of time to do my homework that I had. I had to write so many papers by hand, that it consumed more time than I actually had. I eventually had to call it a night and put my homework away and just go to sleep. Sometimes I underestimate how long it will take to do my assignment, so it is very important to plan for extra time to do something, just in case you get distracted or pulled away from the homework itself. I find Franklin's quote to be very exhilarating and many people should take from his insightful ideas. It is important we prioritize our lives and have fun while we can. We never know when our lives will be taken from us. I am glad I found this aphorism and I will keep it in mind when I am having trouble focusing on my work. Benjamin was a very insightful person who will always be remembered in history as an important person.

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