Thursday, November 10, 2011

Journal #16 - Possible Tools

I will probably use cell phones and Skype to communicate with my partners from Farmington and also here from Plains. No one really uses email anymore, so it would be pretty much inconvenient for me to get the email addresses of my group partners. I hope the people I am with are not very weird and always stock me and text me a lot. By doing these kind of projects, I think it will help me with communication in the long run. In life I will be forced to work with people I do not like or possibly do not know from all of the world. That is how society is getting today and it seems that communicating with people are over the world (or even the state) will be something very popular in the near future. As far as the group project itself, I know I will be using the computer for basically everything. This will pose a problem for me, seeing that I do not have a working computer at home anymore. As I said before, the best way for my group members to get ahold of me would be from my cell phone. Also, Facebook would be a very helpful tool because then my group members could even post pictures of anything that involved the project and I would be able to view it whenever I needed to. The only concern I have is, with using all of this technology, I am afraid that nothing will go right and every communication device in which I use will automatically fail me and stop working. I seem to have that kind of luck. Anyway, the project itself will require many tools, all of them being common twenty-first century items like cell phones, computers, web cams, and even social networks. These devices are all very handy, but they are also known for breaking very often. It will be a very interesting project and I am looking forward to see where it leads me.

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