Monday, August 29, 2011

Journal # 2 - Animals and Hospitality

There once was a squirrel who went by the name of George. One day, he decided to invite his friends over to his house for a nice lunch. On his list of guests was Rachel the Owl, Emma the Turtle, and Kristina the Beaver. All three animals received George's invitation and were completely excited to come over to the squirrel's house.

Finally the day had come. George made sure all of the final touches were perfect in his house. He set out the tea cups and had a basket of cookies on the table for his guests to munch on. In the kitchen, George had last week's science project sitting on the table. His project consisted of hydrochloric acid, flour, and red food coloring. George figured his guests would stay out of the kitchen, seeing as how all of the delicious food and beautiful decorations were all set up in the living room.

DING-DONG! The first guest had finally arrived. "Hey, how are you!" George said to Rachel the Owl. "I am doing just fine, thanks," Rachel replied. George told Rachel to make herself at home while he waited for the other guests to arrive. Now, Rachel was quite the prowler. She loved to see what was behind closed doors. DING-DONG! The doorbell rang again, and Rachel noticed that George was busy welcoming his other friends. She decided to roam the house to see what interesting things she could find.

Rachel made her way to the kitchen. In surprise, she saw all of George's science materials sitting on the table. She decided she wanted to see what would happen if she added the food coloring to the hydrochloric acid. Soon, Rachel found herself in a mess. The chemical was bubbling over onto the floor and some even splashed on her skin. She could not believe how much it burned! She ran out of the kitchen and told George what had happened.

George was very upset that Rachel had wondered into his kitchen without asking. "Rachel, the kind thing to have done in this situation would have been to ask me if it was okay to go look in the kitchen," George said. Emma and Kristina told Rachel that it was nice to use good manners. Rachel learned her lesson and was glad that George, Emma, and Kristina taught her the right thing to do. She knew from then on that she would ask permission to wonder into places that were not in plain sight.

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