Monday, September 19, 2011

Journal #9 - Being Rational

This weekend, my friend Rachel was very stressed and emotional because of her classes at school. She did not know what to do seeing that she was very far behind with homework and projects. I too had the same issue going on in my life, so it was easy to understand the situation she was faced with. It was sad seeing Rachel crying over school because I could completely relate to her issues. Rachel and I talked things over about what she was dealing with. She me to do all of the homework she has assigned on a daily basis. Her biggest trouble was English class. The teacher made sure students were busy almost 24/7. It was hard to catch up from homework if you were to get behind, The teacher assigned so much homework, it was extremely overwhelming for Rachel, and I agreed. We talked about what we might be able to do to make her homework load a little less stressful. The rational thing to do seemed to be to take a breather and make a schedule so she had time to fit in every class's homework. I completely agree with where Rachel is coming from. It is hard to balance family, friends, extracurricular activities, school, and everything else on top of life. It is hard to just be rational about things because you do not know if being rational will help or not. I really think that people who do not go through what you are going through have a hard time grasping exactly how you feel. Overall, Rachel and I were able to talk things out and see where we could make things less stressful for both her and I. I think being rational about things sometimes helps, but contrary to many teachers' belief, it is not always the easiest nor logical thing to do in stressful and emotional situations. I hope in the future people will understand more about what kids have to do in life.

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